Corringham Community Church (formerly known as Corringham Evangelical Church) has been situated at it’s current Fobbing Road location since the building was erected in 1914. Before then the Church had met in older buildings in Fobbing Road.
We have a real desire to serve our local community and share God’s love with those we know.
We are part of the Union of Evangelical Churches and through the UEC we are affiliated with the FIEC and the Affinity partnership.
Our Church Purpose
As part of a recent exercise, the Church members spent a period of several weeks studying what they believed the Church purpose was. The resulting statement, which was agreed upon by all, is:
This church exists to love & worship God; to witness to our local community of the salvation of God through Christ Jesus, making disciples who are bound in unity & love, and committed to serving God, each other and those around us.
To view the full Doctrinal Basis please visit the Doctrinal Basis page.
Leadership Team
The members of our leadership team are:

(Leading Minister)


(Technical, Communications)

(Church Administrator)
Not pictured: Jon Clarke (Treasurer)