Tot Spot is a free group for parents/carers and toddlers aged from 0 to 5 years running every Wednesday during term-time from 10.00am to 11.15am in the back hall at Corringham Community Church.
The group has been going for over 9 years and is proving very popular. Week by week we have had the opportunity to meet local children and their Mums, Dads, Nans, Childminders, Aunts, Great Nannies… the list goes on! The children have been able to play with toys, participate in craft and simple cooking activities and enjoy the story and song time. The adults can look forward to a warm welcome and a cup of tea or coffee. We hope that the group will allow local parents and carers to meet each other as well as providing a morning out for the children.
Each week we finish the session with the children listening to a story from the Bible, often told with puppets, props… or even a parachute! We end with familiar nursery rhymes, which always prove a favourite with the children.
We are always looking forward to meeting new people and getting to know those who already come along a bit better, and of course more playing, painting, sticking, singing and stories!
The group is always busy and, as such, we now run a weekly booking system to enable as many people to enjoy the group without it being too crowded for people to enjoy. If you’d like to come along, please visit to book you place using the online booking system. We would just ask that you cancel any spots you have booked that are no longer required in order to give as many others as possible the opportunity to attend. We really look forward to seeing you soon!
Here are a few quotes from people who’ve already come to Tot Spot:
“Tot Spot has really helped my son learn to play with others and he looks forward to it all week. Thanks.”
Eden & Brodie x“My grandson Theo really enjoyed his time at Tot Spot. It was very friendly and welcoming.”
Sue“Freddie loves meeting his friends at Tot Spot and my Nanny has made some new friends too.”
More Information
The group is free and runs every Wednesday in term-time from 10.00am to 11.15am in the back hall at Corringham Community Church. We would love to see you!
For more details please contact Hollie through the contact us form on our website or just come and visit.